Tim Jenkins

Tim Jenkins

Country Director for Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and the Regional Representative for People in Need in the Western Balkans

    Tim Jenkins is the Country Director for Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and the Regional Representative for People in Need in the Western Balkans. Before relocating to the Balkans, Tim spent over a decade working in development and human rights programming for UNDP and People in Need across Asia, including in Cambodia, Thailand, Bhutan, and Mongolia. In BiH, Tim has been closely involved in climate mitigation and adaptation projects, such as waste management in Sarajevo, wildfire prevention in Jablanica, and methane reduction efforts across the country.

    All Sessions by Tim Jenkins

    09:00 - 10:30

    Panel IX: Postizanje ambicioznih ciljeva za smanjenje metana

    Hotel Hills, Ilidža

    Organizator: CCAC/Global Methane Pledge Moderator: Sanja Kapetina, CCAC NPC Pozdravni video i uvodna prezentacija:Timothy Jenkins, People in Need Panelisti/ce: - Tamara Bajkuša-Spahić, Ministarstvo vanjske trgovine i ekonomskih odnosa BiH - Hamdija Mujezin, Konsultant - Timothy Jenkins, People in Need - Siniša Ubiparipović, UNDP