Daily Bulletin: Monday, September 23, 2024

Daily Bulletin: Monday, September 23, 2024 – SECW 2024

Pre-Opening Media Conference

Before the official opening of SECW, a media conference was held.

Numerous media representatives were addressed by Mirsad Jašarspahić, President of the Chamber of Commerce of FBiH, Nihad Harbaš, CEO of nLogic Advisory, and Professor Dr. Mustafa Musić.

Jašarspahić explained the motivations for organizing this event, emphasizing that the first Sarajevo Energy and Climate Week was highly successful, and it was a logical step for the organizers to repeat the event. Harbaš clarified that this year, 19 panels and 10 parallel events would be held over the course of five days. Over 200 experts will participate in the official events, with more than 1,000 people registered for attendance.

Official Opening

At the beginning of the 2nd Sarajevo Energy and Climate Week, the participants were addressed by officials and ambassadors:

  • E. Luigi Soreca, Ambassador of the EU to BiH
  • Artur Lorkowski, Director of the Energy Community Secretariat
  • Renaud Meyer, Resident Representative of UNDP in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • E. Julian Reilly, Ambassador of the United Kingdom to BiH
  • E. Thomas Fitschen, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • E. Kathrine Biering, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to BiH
  • Vedran Lakić, Minister of the Federal Ministry of Energy, Mining, and Industry
  • Nihad Uk, Prime Minister of Sarajevo Canton
  • Mirza Ustamujić, General Director of Energoinvest d.d. Sarajevo
  • Mirsad Jašarspahić, President of the Chamber of Commerce of FBiH

On behalf of the high patron of SECW, the Chairman of the Presidency of BiH, Dr. Denis Bećirović, Hatidža Jahić, Economic Advisor to the Chairman of the Presidency, addressed the attendees.

Mirsad Jašarspahić, President of the Chamber of Commerce of FBiH and co-organizer of SECW, officially opened SECW, inviting the opening speakers to cut the ribbon, symbolizing the start of the 2nd Sarajevo Energy and Climate Week.


The first keynote speaker of the 2nd SECW was Angela Wilkinson, Secretary-General and Executive Director of the World Energy Council (WEC). Via video link, Wilkinson expressed strong support for the event, stating that the WEC unconditionally supports Bosnia and Herzegovina on its path to energy transition.

PANEL I: Response to CBAM: What Are the Opportunities for Reducing the Impact of CBAM on the Electricity Sector?

The first panel, organized by EU4Energy, addressed the very current topic of CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism), a theme likely to be discussed throughout the five days of SECW. The panelists included Admir Softić, Assistant Minister for Energy at the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH, and Daniele Atzori, Head of Research and Development at Redshaw Advisors – EU4Energy. The panel was moderated by Prof. Mirza Kušljugić, RESET – EU4Energy.

Panel participants included:

  • Vedran Lakić, Minister of the Federal Ministry of Energy, Mining, and Industry
  • Stefano Ellero, Head of Cooperation with the EU
  • Sanel Buljubašić, General Director of Elektroprivreda BiH
  • Drago Bago, General Director of Elektroprivreda HZHB
  • Peter Pozsgai, Head of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Task Force, Energy Community Expert
  • Uroš Bojanić, Director, Head of Asset Management Department, EFT Group
  • Daniele Atzori, Head of Research and Development at Redshaw Advisors – EU4Energy
  • Ivona Zametica, Director of Research, Strategy and ESG Management, and Chief Economic Analyst at Raiffeisen Bank

The conclusions of the panel were prepared by Prof. Dr. Mirza Kušljugić.

Key Takeaways:

  • It is realistically expected that from January 2026, the provisions of the CBAM mechanism will apply to electricity exports from BiH to the EU.
  • This will likely have significant negative consequences for trade in the Western Balkans region, making it more difficult and probably reducing electricity exports from BiH to the EU, thereby reducing the income of companies currently exporting.
  • The panelists also estimated a potential reduction in electricity production from thermal power plants, increased electricity imports, and rising prices for local consumers.
  • The most frequently planned adaptation measure to CBAM is the accelerated construction of new renewable energy capacities, which all participating companies from BiH are planning to implement.
  • Long-term alleviation of the impact of CBAM on BiH’s electricity sector will involve introducing a CO2 emission payment mechanism, likely modeled after the EU ETS, with the ultimate goal of joining the EU ETS system. This process will be complex and will require technical and financial support from the EU, including grants from appropriate funds.
  • It is crucial to establish dialogue with the EU in 2025 on the application of CBAM to the Western Balkans, taking into account that these countries have energy agreements with the EU via the Energy Community, as well as signed Stabilization and Association Agreements (SAA) regulating free trade, and therefore should not be treated as “third countries” under the EU CBAM Directive.

PANEL II: Establishment of the EU ETS Model in the Western Balkans

The second panel discussed the EU ETS (Emissions Trading System) model in the Western Balkans region. The introductory speaker was Christian Egenhofer, Senior Researcher at CEOS Unit for Energy, Resources, and Climate Change at the Centre for European Political Studies, Florence School of Transnational Governance, who addressed the panel via link. The panel was expertly moderated by Branislava Lepotić Kovačević, EU4Energy.

Panelists included:

  • Monika Figaj, Energy Community Secretariat, Expert on Climate and Just Transition
  • Stine Rasmussen, DG Clima
  • Alessandra Barreca, ETS Expert, EU4Energy
  • Melita Zdilar, Senior Advisor at the Climate Activities Department, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, Croatia
  • Christian Egenhofer
  • Maciej Cygler, Senior Expert, Centre for Climate and Energy Analyses (CAKE), National Centre for Emissions Management (KOBiZE), Warsaw, Poland
  • Anes Kazagić, Acting Assistant General Director for Development, Elektroprivreda BiH
  • Mirsad Jašarspahić

Conclusion by Moderator Branislava Lepotić Kovačević:
“EU ETS is a set of financial mechanisms for decarbonizing the economy, which has significantly supported EU member states, including those with low GDP and coal-based electricity, in starting and continuing decarbonization. Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially its power companies, needs this support and entry into the EU ETS to achieve decarbonization. The first step for implementing the EU ETS is establishing a Monitoring, Reporting, Verification, and Accreditation system (MRVA) for emissions, as the first phase of the ETS, in accordance with EU regulations. Countries participating in the EU ETS with low GDP and significant coal-based energy use utilize the Modernization Fund and Just Transition Fund to support investments with non-repayable funds from other EU member states.”

PANEL III: Strategic Approach to the Development of Electromobility in the Private and Public Sectors with a Focus on Transport Decarbonization

The third panel opened the discussion on electromobility and decarbonization. The panel included dynamic presentations by Miran Stambol, Porsche BH, and Ignac Zavrsnik, DEMS – Society for E-mobility Slovenia. The panel was moderated by Anela Karahasan, Secretary of the Association for Electromobility at the Chamber of Commerce of FBiH.

Panelists included:

  • Tamara Bajkuša-Spahić, Chair of the Electromobility Working Group in BiH, MVTEO BiH
  • Ignac Završnik, DEMS – Society for E-mobility Slovenia
  • Bernardas Padegimas, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
  • Miran Stambol, Porsche Sarajevo
  • Fikret Seferagić, Sales Manager for Croatia, KNX Expert, HAGER Sarajevo
  • Nihad Velagić, CORE d.o.o.
  • Bojan Križ, Executive Director of Business Development, MegaTel Slovenia
  • Josip Šarić, Unis Telecommunications d.o.o. Mostar

Conclusions of the Panel by Moderator Anela Karahasan:
The reduction of harmful gas emissions from transport is a significant challenge faced by automobile manufacturers, with the ambitious goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, covering the entire process from production to car operation. The concept of electromobility offers significant benefits in terms of pollution reduction, vehicle fleet renewal, and new business opportunities, particularly strengthening Bosnia and Herzegovina’s economy.

Side Event I: Meeting of the Electromobility Association BH and Workshop for Members.
Organized by the Chamber of Commerce of FBiH, this side event focused on electromobility, confirming its great importance with a full room.

Side Event II: Launch of the Sustainable Energy Transition Center
Organized by EU4Energy, this side event was entirely dedicated to the noble goal of launching the Center for Sustainable Energy Transition, with contributions from various experts. More details will follow during the 2nd Sarajevo Energy and Climate Week.

22 - 26 SEPTEMBER 2025

See you at 3rd SECW