Jan Rielaender

Jan Rielaender

Senior Counsellor and Head of Country Diagnostics and Strategy OECD Development Centre

    Jan Rielaender is Senior Counsellor to the Director of the OECD Development Centre and Head of Country Diagnostics and Strategy.As Senior Counsellor, Jan advises the Director of the Development Centre on strategy and engagement. As Head of Country Diagnostics and Strategy, Jan and his team have worked with over 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America, providing strategic advice to enhance capacities and achieve economic and social development objectives.Jan currently leads a project on the Just Energy Transition in the Western Balkans, focusing on coordinated energy sector, social protection, and fiscal reforms. This project aims to assist Western Balkan economies in transitioning towards a greener energy mix while ensuring fair distribution of costs and opportunities across society. The work includes developing an inventory of energy subsidies and support measures, creating policy scenarios for energy market reform, and analyzing the gender dimension of the energy transition.Prior to joining the OECD in 2010, Jan spent five years with both the World Bank in Washington and the UN in Africa working on evaluation and strategic management for development.Jan is a Fulbright Scholar and holds degrees in Economics and International Relations from Syracuse University in the US and Dresden University in Germany. He has also studied at Yonsei University in South Korea and Lund University in Sweden.

    All Sessions by Jan Rielaender

    15:00 - 16:30

    Panel XII: Finansiranje pravedne energetske tranzicije, trendovi i izazovi

    Hotel Hills, Ilidža

    Organizator: Evropska Investiciona banka Moderator: Branko Čevriz, Evropska Investiciona banka Uvodna prezentacija: - Branko Čevriz, Evropska Investiciona banka Panelisti/ce: - Stefano ELLERO, Delegacija EU u BiH - Christopher Sheldon, direktor, Svjetska Banka - Armin Ridžalović, IFC - Harun Gadžo, Izvršni direktor za Kapitalne investicije, Elektroprivreda BiH - Josip Polić, Evropska banka za obnovu i razvoj - Jasmina Salihagić, direktor, KfW - Naida Čustović, partner u advokatskoj kancelariji Wolf Thiess - Jan Rieländer, Viši savjetnik i šef odjela za dijagnostiku i strategiju zemlje OECD razvojni centar - Berin Lakomica, izvršni direktor/direktor Sektora za poslovanje sa korporativnim klijentima NLB Banke d.d., Sarajevo

    15:00 - 16:30

    Panel VII: Regionalne energetske strategije: ubrzanje energetske tranzicije kroz politike podrške

    Hotel Hills, Ilidža

    Uvodna prezentacija: Fejsal Ćorović UNDP Moderator: Arnesa Borčak, UNDP Panelisti/ce: - Sanja Kapetina, Ministarstvo vanjske trgovine i ekonomskih odnosa BiH - Boris Lubarda, Ministarstvo energetike i rudarstva Republike Srpske - Aida Jelinić, Federalno ministarstvo energije, rudarstva i industrije - Marko Blagojević - Aleksandar Andrija Pejović, Nezavisni konsultant - Jan Rieländer, Viši savjetnik i šef odjela za dijagnostiku i strategiju zemlje OECD razvojni centar - Jan Morritz Olsenn, NBBA - Iva Fakin, APN Hrvatska