With the 3rd SECW, the Partnership with Energoinvest Becomes a Tradition

Energoinvest is an engineering company with over 70 years of experience and a broad range of expertise in designing and constructing power infrastructure projects. Through its practical solutions and experience, Energoinvest actively contributes to this international event. The company’s mission is to enhance the global energy system to ensure a sustainable, flexible, and secure transmission […]

Building a Sustainable Future for Bosnia and Herzegovina Together with the City of Mostar

The City Administration and administrative structures of Mostar play a key role in building a more energy-efficient and sustainable future. They are committed to implementing energy transition guidelines through targeted and timely actions. By defining strategic goals and planning urban development, the City of Mostar sets the direction and pace of change, coordinating processes to […]

The Partnership with Raiffeisen Bank Continues at SECW 2025

Raiffeisen Bank is an institution whose sustainability strategy is built on the pillar of being a “responsible banker.” The primary goal of a responsible banker is to create long-term added value. The bank continuously adapts its business model to meet the challenges and changes in the banking market while creating sustainable value for all its […]

The Partnership with KfW: A Key Pillar of Sarajevo Energy and Climate Week

The German Development Bank (KfW) is a highly experienced financial institution and development agency with expertise in financing, in-depth knowledge of development policy, and extensive domestic and international experience. On behalf of the German Federal Government, primarily the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), KfW finances and supports programs and projects that predominantly […]

Partnership with Porsche BH at Sarajevo Energy and Climate Week Becomes a Tradition

The corporate mission of Porsche BH is reflected in mutual respect and appreciation of diversity, environmental protection, sustainability of products and services in compliance with all applicable regulations and standards, as well as contractual obligations. The company achieves its corporate goals by strictly adhering to a system of compliance and integrity, which implies responsible actions […]

IFC Continues Its Support and Active Participation at SECW 2025

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) promotes sustainable economic growth in developing countries by providing financial and advisory support to the private sector to create new jobs and improve quality of life. Through its activities, IFC aims to generate employment opportunities and enhance infrastructure in communities worldwide. Armin Ridžalović, Head of IFC’s Office for Bosnia and […]

Energoinvest’s New Strategic Partnership and Entry into EU Markets: Strategic Cooperation Agreement Signed with the German Wattkraft Group

Sarajevo, 26. septembar 2024. – Energoinvest d.d. – Sarajevo, kao partner Sarajevske energetske i klimatske sedmice (SECW), danas je bio domaćin četvrtog dana ovog događaja, koji se održao pod sloganom “Dan Emerika Bluma”. Uvodni dio stručnog skupa otvorio je Mirza Ustamujić, direktor Energoinvesta, koji je predstavio aktivnosti kompanije, buduće planove sa fokusom na projekte zelene […]

22 - 26 SEPTEMBER 2025

See you at 3rd SECW