Nihad Harbaš

Nihad Harbaš

CEO Nlogic Advisory

    Nihad Harbas (1985, Nationality: Bosnian-Herzegovinian) is one of the leading Climate & Energy experts in BiH. His fields of expertise include Bosnia and Herzegovina, Western Balkan and European energy and climate change issues with strong knowledge of existing technical and legislative framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina related to the EU directives (Acquis Communautaire). His focuses are Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency focusing on Bosnia and Herzegovina reforming processes of energy sector according to the European experience and practice, but also Energy Community Treaty and its obligations towards Bosnian and Herzegovina in energy sector. Nihad is member of Energy Community Secretariat, IRENA, UN and etc. roster of experts. As IRENA Energy expert he is reviewing and vetting Renewable Energy projects with fellow experts from all around the world and share experiences in fields of biogas, solar, wind, biomass, hydro, etc.

    Nihad has over 15 years' experience in working with NGO, private and public sectors, additionally he's been active in numerous projects aiming at harmonization of the energy sector in accordance with Energy Community Treat obligations.

    Nihad has a background in engineering, project management & managing company. Graduated at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering department of Energy (MSc) University of Sarajevo. Nihad has experience in working in partnership with government officials in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Energy Community Treaty countries and sectoral countries in Europe & Asia.

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