Milica Knežević

Milica Knežević

Regional Project Coordinator Energy Sector KfW

    Milica Knežević is a regional coordinator for energy sector projects at German development bank (KfW). During her over a decade long career in energy sector Milica has been participating in various activities related to the infrastructure project financing, regulation of power utilities, transposition of EU energy acquis Communautaire and institutional strengthening. Previously, Knežević was appointed as an Executive director of Energy and Water Regulatory Agency of Montenegro and Chairwoman of Electricity Working group of energy regulators from Energy Community Contracting Parties (WB6, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine). She earned a Bachelor’s degree at Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Podgorica, Montenegro, and Master’s degree in electrical engineering from TU Darmstadt in Germany.

    All Sessions by Milica Knežević

    EMERIK BLUM DAY 26.09.2024
    09:30 - 11:00

    Panel XIV: Efficient Transmission and Distribution Networks as the Backbone of the Green Transition

    Energoinvest, zgrada sjedišta / Vlade FBiH

    Moderator: Nermin Suljanović, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tuzla/Electrical Institute Milan Vidmar Ljubljana Opening Presentation: Nicolas Heger, Project Manager, Green Agenda: Decarbonization of the Power Sector in the Western Balkans, GIZ- Elvisa Bećirović, Sector for network access, management and measurement, Elektroprivreda BiH - Mijo Sesar, Elektroprivreda HZHB - Jurij Curk, Electro Ljubljana - Jagoda Lazetić, Elektroprivreda RS - Milica Knežević, KfW - Vladimir Jokovic, EIB - Goran Kovačević, CEDIS - Alen Džananović, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Senad Osmović, Elektroprenos BiH

    09:30 - 11:00

    Panel XIV: Efikasne prenosne i distributivne mreže kao okosnica zelene tranzicije

    Energoinvest, zgrada sjedišta / Vlade FBiH

    - Elvisa Bećirović, Sektor za pristup mreži, upravljanje i mjerenje, Elektroprivreda BiH - Mijo Sesar, Elektroprivreda HZHB - Jurij Curk, Elektro Ljubljana - Jagoda Lazetić, Elektroprivreda RS - Milica Knežević, KfW - Vladimir Joković, EIB - Goran Kovačević, CEDIS - Alen Džananović, Evropska banka za obnovu i razvoj - Senad Osmović, Elektroprenos BiH