Jasmina Salihagić

Jasmina Salihagić

Director KfW Office Sarajevo

    Jasmina Salihagić is heading the KfW Office in Sarajevo since September 2023. She holds a university degree in Economics from the Economic University in Sarajevo. Her professional experience includes over 15 years in both the private and public sectors.
    Jasmina began her career at a consultancy company with focus on events and training programs for professional education. Upon transitioning into the marketing and PR sector, she contributed her expertise to a well-known car brand and automotive industry.
    Following her time in the private sector, Jasmina joined the BiH Ministry of Finance and Treasury. There, she contributed significantly especially to two sectors. One involved spearheading donor coordination activities, while the other focused on concluding international agreements with IFIs in BiH.
    In 2014, she joined the KfW office in Sarajevo, where she managed the entire energy portfolio, with the focus on renewable energy until her appointment to Director of KfW office in BiH. She is proud to be part of the team that succeeded in building the very first wind farms in BiH and furthermore in opening doors for the development of the sector.

    All Sessions by Jasmina Salihagić

    15:00 - 16:30

    Panel XII: Financing a Just Energy Transition: Trends and Challenges

    Hotel Hills, Ilidža

    Organizer: European Investment Bank Moderator: Branko Čevriz, European Investment Bank Opening Presentations: • Branko Čevriz, European Investment Bank Panelists: • Stefano ELLERO (head of cooperation), EU Delegation • Christopher Sheldon, Director, World Bank • Armin Ridzalovic, IFC • Harun Gadžo, Executive Director for Capital Investments, Elektroprivreda BiH • Josip Polić, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development • Jasmina Salihagić, director, KfW • Naida Čustović, partner in the Wolf Thiess law office • Jan Rieländer, Senior Advisor and Head of Diagnostics and Country Strategy OECD Development Centre • Berin Lakomica, executive director/director of the Sector for Business with Corporate Clients of NLB Bank d.d., Sarajevo

    15:00 - 16:30

    Panel XII: Finansiranje pravedne energetske tranzicije, trendovi i izazovi

    Hotel Hills, Ilidža

    Organizator: Evropska Investiciona banka Moderator: Branko Čevriz, Evropska Investiciona banka Uvodna prezentacija: - Branko Čevriz, Evropska Investiciona banka Panelisti/ce: - Stefano ELLERO, Delegacija EU u BiH - Christopher Sheldon, direktor, Svjetska Banka - Armin Ridžalović, IFC - Harun Gadžo, Izvršni direktor za Kapitalne investicije, Elektroprivreda BiH - Josip Polić, Evropska banka za obnovu i razvoj - Jasmina Salihagić, direktor, KfW - Naida Čustović, partner u advokatskoj kancelariji Wolf Thiess - Jan Rieländer, Viši savjetnik i šef odjela za dijagnostiku i strategiju zemlje OECD razvojni centar - Berin Lakomica, izvršni direktor/direktor Sektora za poslovanje sa korporativnim klijentima NLB Banke d.d., Sarajevo