Elma Veledar Arifagić

Elma Veledar Arifagić

Senior Partner/Attorney at Law, DMB Legals

    Elma is a partner and one of the founders of the dmb partners law office and has been a lawyer since 19 years of experience in legal consulting. During her legal career, Elma's focus was on business, labor, civil and data protection law. Thanks to many years of work in cases before the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), she is doing well well-known European standards established by that court, which are applicable in all areas the rights it deals with. In her daily work, Elma provides legal advice to domestic and international business entities from various business areas, including banking sector, production and services, and represents domestic and international clients in business and labor disputes, and damages compensation disputes, before the courts in BiH and in proceedings before ECtHR.Elma is a regular lecturer in the field of human rights, and has been a legal advisor for many years non-governmental organizations in the field of human rights, AIRE Center from London, at various projects that provide direct support to the judiciary in BiH. Također je certificirana predavačica Programa Vijeća Evrope o ljudskim pravima za pravnike (HELP). Osim toga je i glavna urednica pravnog biltena Pravna hronika koji pruža relevantne informacije o razvoju sudske prakse od značaja za sve pravnike u BiH.

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