Began Muhić

Began Muhić

Mayor of the City of Živinice

    He studied at the Faculty of Agriculture in Sarajevo, where he successfully graduated with a master's degree, and then a doctorate.He started his first job as a high school teacher. In the period from 2015 to 2018, he served as the Consul General of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Istanbul for the Republic of Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan. Then, from 2019 to 2023, he held the post of Consul General of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Germany.He is an active social and political worker and has held the position of councilor in the City Council of Živinica for several mandates, as well as the position of chairman of the City Council of Živinica.In the mandate from 2002 to 2006, he was a representative in the Assembly of Tuzla Canton and president of the Commission for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry of Tuzla Canton.He is the author and proposer of a number of laws in the field of agriculture, including the first Law on Financial Support in Primary Agricultural Production and the Food Industry of the Tuzla Canton.He is a permanent court expert in the field of agriculture.In the period from 1996 to 1999, he held the position of president of the Association of Agricultural Producers of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.He is the author of a large number of scientific and professional works. He was a member of the Patriotic League of Bosnia and Herzegovina and a demobilized officer of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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