Amer Jerlagić

Amer Jerlagić

Energy expert

    Amer Jerlagić B.Sc. electrical engineer, born on May 25, 1967Graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo, Department of Energetics.In the period from 1996 to 2012, I worked in JP Elektroprivreda BiH (Utility company BiH) at several important positions, of which I single out the position of Manager of the Sarajevo Plant in Elektroprenos Sarajevo (1998 - 2000), Director of Electrodistribution Sarajevo (2003 - 2007) and General Director of JP EP BiH (2007 - 2011).Since 2012, I have been working in private business, where I am the founder and director of SHPP Ltd. Sarajevo with great references in the field of renewable sources of electricity, especially photovoltaic power plants.

    All Sessions by Amer Jerlagić

    16:00 - 17:30

    Panel XVII: Izgradnja i izazovi priključenja solarnih elektrana na elektroenergetku mrežu/upravljanje i balansiranje

    Energoinvest, zgrada sjedišta / Vlade FBiH

    Moderator: Amer Jerlagić, Energetski stručnjak Uvodna prezentacija: Mustafa Musić, Elektrotehnički fakultet UNSA Panelisti/ce: - Džemo Borovina, Rukovodilac Sektora za pristup mreži, upravljanje i mjerenje, Elektroprivreda BiH - Mile Međugorac, Elektroprivreda HZHB - Senad Aganović, Regulatorna komisija za energiju Federacije u BiH - Ali Damadžić, nLogic Advisory - Lejla Galešević, Elektroprenos BiH