Alija Salkunić

Alija Salkunić

Head of the department for applied circular economy and production analysis

    Alija Salkunić, master of technology, joined the production team at the company Elixir Zorka - Mineral fertilizers in 2019, where he is the head of the department for applied circular economy and production analysis. He is responsible for tasks related to determining and proving the preferential and non-preferential origin of goods, participates in the planning and application of the circular economy within the production of mineral fertilizers and projects aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of products and factories. He is the author and co-author of several works in the field of environmental protection and waste management, as well as professional works that affirm the application of the circular economy in industry. He is the author of the first Decarbonization Road Map on the example of factories for the production of mineral fertilizers and phosphoric acid in Serbia. He is an active consultant for chemicals. He participates in the work of the Academy of Vocational Studies in Šabac, Department of Medical and Business-Technological Studies, where he was elected to the title of Lecturer outside employment. He holds the KAIZEN™ Practitioner in Operations certificate.

    All Sessions by Alija Salkunić

    13:00 - 14:30

    Side Event V: Neto nula i cirkularna ekonomija

    Hotel Hills, Ilidža

    Moderator: Mirza Muratović, nLogic Advisory Uvodna prezentacija: Amila Alibegović, nLogic Advisory Panelisti/ce: - Hamdija Mujezin, Konsultant - Hanadi Džabić, RCB Nanotehnologija - Ajla Imamović, nLogic Advisory - Alija Salkunić, Elixir Group - Almin Mališević, P/G K FBiH