Ajla Imamović

Ajla Imamović

nLogic Advisory

    Ajla Imamović works as an Energy Expert Associate at nLogic Advisory. Since obtaining a master’s degree at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Sarajevo, Ajla has been working in the field of energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, education and sustainable development. During last two years, she has been involved in projects of improving energy efficiency in households and industry facilities and integrating renewable energy sources in district heating systems and industrial processes. Ajla is certified European Energy Manager (EUREM program, 2022/2023) and also qualified for energy auditing and certification processes, with Module 1, Module 2 and Module 3 certificates.

    All Sessions by Ajla Imamović

    13:00 - 14:30

    Side Event V: Neto nula i cirkularna ekonomija

    Hotel Hills, Ilidža

    Moderator: Mirza Muratović, nLogic Advisory Uvodna prezentacija: Amila Alibegović, nLogic Advisory Panelisti/ce: - Hamdija Mujezin, Konsultant - Hanadi Džabić, RCB Nanotehnologija - Ajla Imamović, nLogic Advisory - Alija Salkunić, Elixir Group - Almin Mališević, P/G K FBiH