Senad Aganović

Senad Aganović

Energy Regulatory Commission of the Federation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Mr.sci. Senad Aganović was finished Faculty of Electrical Engineering – Department for power engineering, and post-graduate studies at University of Tuzla. In his long-term working career, he worked for a significant period at “JP Elektroprivreda BIH d.d.- Sarajevo” in the field of electricity distribution. Since 2004, he has been permanently employed at the Regulatory Commission for Energy in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina- FERK. Currently he is in the position of Head of the Sector for Technical Affairs and Licenses. Author and co-author of numerous papers on the domestic and international conferences in the areas of analysis of losses in electrical distribution networks, the influence of different tariff design scenarios on the load diagram, methodology and model for calculating the costs of connection to the distribution network, tariff methodology, analysis of tariff models, flexibility of distribution systems, civil energy, renewable sources. He is a member of BHK CIGRE and President of BHK CIRED Study Board 6 - Electricity Market and Regulation.

    All Sessions by Senad Aganović

    16:00 - 17:30

    Panel XVII: Izgradnja i izazovi priključenja solarnih elektrana na elektroenergetku mrežu/upravljanje i balansiranje

    Energoinvest, zgrada sjedišta / Vlade FBiH

    Moderator: Amer Jerlagić, Energetski stručnjak Uvodna prezentacija: Mustafa Musić, Elektrotehnički fakultet UNSA Panelisti/ce: - Džemo Borovina, Rukovodilac Sektora za pristup mreži, upravljanje i mjerenje, Elektroprivreda BiH - Mile Međugorac, Elektroprivreda HZHB - Senad Aganović, Regulatorna komisija za energiju Federacije u BiH - Ali Damadžić, nLogic Advisory - Lejla Galešević, Elektroprenos BiH