Christian Egenhofer

Christian Egenhofer

Senior Research Associate at the Florence School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy

    Christian Egenhofer has more than 30 years’ experience working with EU institutions on climate change, energy and other resources-related topics.He is a Senior Research Associate at the Florence School of Transnational Governance at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy and Associate Senior Research Fellow at the Brussels-based thinktank Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), where he has led the Energy and climate team from 2000 to 2018.He is Visiting Professor at  the College of Europe, Natolin/Poland. Previous university assignments included SciencesPo, Paris, Free University of Brussels, LUISS University in Rome; MGIMO in Moscow and the University of Dundee in Scotland/UK.He has published 8 books and written more than 160 articles, book chapters or policy reports. Selected articles and book chapters have been translated into 10 languages.Recently, he has developed a concept to include Western Balkan countries into the EU ETS.

    All Sessions by Christian Egenhofer

    14:30 - 16:00

    Panel II: Uspostava EU ETS modela u regiji Zapadnog Balkana Organizator: EU4Energy

    Hotel Hills, Ilidža

    Organizator: EU4Energy Moderator: Branislava Lepotić Kovačević, EU4Energy Uvodna prezentacija: - Alessandra Barreca, ETS ekspert, EU4Energy Panelisti/ce: - Monika Figaj, Sekretarijat energetske zajednice, stručnjakina za klimu i pravednu tranziciju - Stine Rasmussen, DG Clima - Alessandra Barreca, ETS ekspert, EU4Energy - Melita Zdilar, Viši savjetnik u Službi za ETS, Ministarstvo zaštite okliša i zelene tranzicije, Republika Hrvatska - Christian Egenhofer, viši istraživač u CEOS Jedinici za energiju, resurse i klimatske promjene, Centar za evropske političke studije, Firenca School of Transnational Governance (online) - Maciej Cygler, Senior Expert, Centar za klimatske i energetske analize (CAKE) u Nacionalnom centru za upravljanje emisijama (KOBiZE), Varšava, Poljska - Anes Kazagic, v.d. Pomoćnik generalnog direktora za razvoj Elektroprivrede BiH - Mirsad Jašarspahić, Predsjednik Privredne/Gospodarske komore FBiH