Ljubo Maćić

Ljubo Maćić

Special advisor of the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade

    Ljubo Maćić has more than 35 years of experience in the energy sector, including management positions in the Energy Regulatory Agency of Serbia (AERS) and Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS). Also, he served as senior adviser the Ministry of Mining and Energy of Serbia, the World Bank and the Economics Institute. During his career, he acquired hands-on experience in developing sector strategies and development plans, including restructuring and technological modernization and decarbonization of the energy sector, harmonisation of national legal and regulatory framework with the EU Energy acquis. Member of the Board for Energy of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.He holds Master of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Belgrade, Serbia. He speaks Serbian (native), English, and Russian languages.Summary of professional experience: Economics Institute, Belgrade (2018 – present), advising on policy and regulatory issues in the energy; president of the Agency Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia, Serbia (2005 – 2018); president of the Energy Community Regulatory Board (2010 – 2011); Elektroprivreda Srbije – EPS, Belgrade, Executive Director for Development and Investments and Assistant General Manager of EPS (2000 – 2005), manager and expert in the Department for Investments and Development of EPS (1982 – 2000).

    All Sessions by Ljubo Maćić

    12:15 - 13:45

    Panel I: Odgovor na CBAM: koje su mogućnosti za smanjenje uticaja CBAM-a na energetski sektor? Organizator: EU4Energy

    Hotel Hills, Ilidža

    Organizator: EU4Energy Uvodna prezentacija: - Admir Softić, Pomoćnik ministra za energiju, Ministarstvo vanjske trgovine i ekonomskih odnosa BiH - Daniele Atzori, Voditelj istraživanja i razvoja, Redshaw Advisors – EU4Energy Moderator: Mirza Kušljugić, RESET – EU4Energy Panelisti/ce: - Vedran Lakić, Ministar Federalnog ministarstva energije, rudarstva i industrije - Stefano Ellero, Šef za saradnju sa EU - Sanel Buljubašić, Generalni direktor Elektroprivrede BiH - Drago Bago, Generalni direktor Elektroprivrede HZHB - Peter Pozsgai, vođa Radne grupe za pripravnost mehanizma za prilagodbu granice ugljika EU, stručnjak za upravljanje Energetske zajednice - Uroš Bojanić, Direktor, Šef odjela za upravljanje imovinom, EFT Group - Ljubo Maćić, Specijalni savjetnik Ekonomskog fakulteta u Beogradu - Daniele Atzori, Voditelj istraživanja i razvoja, Redshaw Advisors – EU4Energy - Ivona Zametica, Direktor istraživanja, strategije i ESG upravljanja i glavni ekonomski analitičar, Raiffeisen Bank