Branko Čevriz

Branko Čevriz

Loan officer, European Investment Bank for the Western Balkan

    Branko Čevriz is a loan and investment officer working in European investment Bank and is part of the division that covers operations in Western Balkans and Türkiye. He has been working at EIB since 2016 and has experience across the entire product spectrum of the Bank in variety of sectors, within and outside EU, dealing with investment loans to sovereigns and sub-sovereign counterparts, corporate loans, project finance operations, as well as intermediated lending to financial institutions. In 2022 he was appointed to EIB’s Belgrade Office that became Regional Hub for Western Balkans as part of enhanced local presence of EIB Global (EIB branch working on operations outside EU) where he is responsible for coordination and work of local staff, for horizontal activities in energy sector in Western Balkans and is acting as general manager for operations in BIH.Branko holds a combined Master’s degree in law and business from Bucerius Law School and WHU School of Management in Germany and a Bachelor’s degree in Law Faculty University in Ljubljana.

    All Sessions by Branko Čevriz

    15:00 - 16:30

    Panel XII: Financing a Just Energy Transition: Trends and Challenges

    Hotel Hills, Ilidža

    Organizer: European Investment Bank Moderator: Branko Čevriz, European Investment Bank Opening Presentations: • Branko Čevriz, European Investment Bank Panelists: • Stefano ELLERO (head of cooperation), EU Delegation • Christopher Sheldon, Director, World Bank • Armin Ridzalovic, IFC • Harun Gadžo, Executive Director for Capital Investments, Elektroprivreda BiH • Josip Polić, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development • Jasmina Salihagić, director, KfW • Naida Čustović, partner in the Wolf Thiess law office • Jan Rieländer, Senior Advisor and Head of Diagnostics and Country Strategy OECD Development Centre • Berin Lakomica, executive director/director of the Sector for Business with Corporate Clients of NLB Bank d.d., Sarajevo

    15:00 - 16:30

    Panel XII: Finansiranje pravedne energetske tranzicije, trendovi i izazovi

    Hotel Hills, Ilidža

    Organizator: Evropska Investiciona banka Moderator: Branko Čevriz, Evropska Investiciona banka Uvodna prezentacija: - Branko Čevriz, Evropska Investiciona banka Panelisti/ce: - Stefano ELLERO, Delegacija EU u BiH - Christopher Sheldon, direktor, Svjetska Banka - Armin Ridžalović, IFC - Harun Gadžo, Izvršni direktor za Kapitalne investicije, Elektroprivreda BiH - Josip Polić, Evropska banka za obnovu i razvoj - Jasmina Salihagić, direktor, KfW - Naida Čustović, partner u advokatskoj kancelariji Wolf Thiess - Jan Rieländer, Viši savjetnik i šef odjela za dijagnostiku i strategiju zemlje OECD razvojni centar - Berin Lakomica, izvršni direktor/direktor Sektora za poslovanje sa korporativnim klijentima NLB Banke d.d., Sarajevo