Mustafa Musić

Mustafa Musić

Assistant to the General Director for Development of JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. Sarajevo; Full professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo

    Mr. Music has 40 years of work experience in various jobs, of which 25 years in the real sector poles of development of various technologies and tasks of development of the Energy sector with implementation of new technologies. Field of interest and research: digital technologies, smart technologies; renewable energy sources, development of the Energy System based on renewable energy source. He worked on more than 40 development projects in Elektroprivreda BiH, of an internal and international nature. He published three university books as author and co-author and more than 100 professional and scientific papers in international scientific journals and conferences. He is the president of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Committee for Electrical Engineering (BAKE). He is a member of the Energy Committee of ANU BiH.He speaks English and French.

    All Sessions by Mustafa Musić

    16:00 - 17:30

    Panel XVII: Izgradnja i izazovi priključenja solarnih elektrana na elektroenergetku mrežu/upravljanje i balansiranje

    Energoinvest, zgrada sjedišta / Vlade FBiH

    Moderator: Amer Jerlagić, Energetski stručnjak Uvodna prezentacija: Mustafa Musić, Elektrotehnički fakultet UNSA Panelisti/ce: - Džemo Borovina, Rukovodilac Sektora za pristup mreži, upravljanje i mjerenje, Elektroprivreda BiH - Mile Međugorac, Elektroprivreda HZHB - Senad Aganović, Regulatorna komisija za energiju Federacije u BiH - Ali Damadžić, nLogic Advisory - Lejla Galešević, Elektroprenos BiH

    16:30 - 18:00

    Panel VIII: Zeleni hidrogen kao važan element klimatski neutralne ekonomije i energetske neovisnosti

    Hotel Hills, Ilidža

    Organizator: EU4Energy Uvodna prezentacija: Fabio Magrassi, EU4Energy Moderator: Mustafa Musić, EU4Energy Panelisti/ce: - Fabio Magrassi, EU4Energy - Šaban Žuna, Centar za napredne tenhologije Sarajevo - Ankica Kovač, FSB, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Hrvatska - Miha Trunkelj, Šef poslovnog razvoja zelene tranzicije - Edis Baković, Direktor BH Gas - Kerim Salić, Master student