Anes Kazagić

Anes Kazagić

JP Elektroprivreda BiH

    Anes Kazagić, PhD in energy engineering, has 20 y. experience working at JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. – Sarajevo (EPBiH power utility), today exercising the role of Head of the Strategic Development Dept. He also performs the duties of energy efficiency manager in the company. He was a participant in all projects of modernization of thermal power units in Tuzla and Kakanj power stations. He was the manager of several investment and development projects in EPBiH, including R&D projects from the European Commission Horizon 2020 program (projects CoolHeating, Upgrade DH and BIOFIT). He is an evaluator of European Commission on Horizon Europe program Pathfinder. He is the leader of the preparation of planning documents for decarbonization and long-term development of EPBiH power utility. He is the team leader for the project of the Just transition of the coal regions of EPBiH. He has a research background in the field of biomass co-firing and sustainability of energy systems. He has published over 100 papers in indexed world energy journals, with 660 citations. He is a member of several international and domestic professional and scientific associations.

    All Sessions by Anes Kazagić

    14:30 - 16:00

    Panel II: Uspostava EU ETS modela u regiji Zapadnog Balkana Organizator: EU4Energy

    Hotel Hills, Ilidža

    Organizator: EU4Energy Moderator: Branislava Lepotić Kovačević, EU4Energy Uvodna prezentacija: - Alessandra Barreca, ETS ekspert, EU4Energy Panelisti/ce: - Monika Figaj, Sekretarijat energetske zajednice, stručnjakina za klimu i pravednu tranziciju - Stine Rasmussen, DG Clima - Alessandra Barreca, ETS ekspert, EU4Energy - Melita Zdilar, Viši savjetnik u Službi za ETS, Ministarstvo zaštite okliša i zelene tranzicije, Republika Hrvatska - Christian Egenhofer, viši istraživač u CEOS Jedinici za energiju, resurse i klimatske promjene, Centar za evropske političke studije, Firenca School of Transnational Governance (online) - Maciej Cygler, Senior Expert, Centar za klimatske i energetske analize (CAKE) u Nacionalnom centru za upravljanje emisijama (KOBiZE), Varšava, Poljska - Anes Kazagic, v.d. Pomoćnik generalnog direktora za razvoj Elektroprivrede BiH - Mirsad Jašarspahić, Predsjednik Privredne/Gospodarske komore FBiH