Artur Lorkowski

Artur Lorkowski

Director of the Energy Community Secretariat

Lorkowski graduated from international economic relations at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics (1999) and from the National School of Public Administration (2001). He was studying also at the University of Göttingen (1997–1998). He took part in the US Department of State International Visitor Leadership Programme (2012). In 2013, he was Associate Member at the St. Antony's College, University of Oxford.In 2001, he began his professional career at the Office of the Committee for European Integration. In 2003, he became deputy director responsible for sectoral policies. Since 2006, has been involved in climate change issues. In 2010, he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Until 2013, he was deputy director of the MFA Economic Policy Department, being in charge of energy security and climate change. From 18 June 2013 to 30 June 2017 he was representing Poland as an Ambassador to Austria. Following his servoce in Vienna, he was Minister's special envoy for organizing COP 2018 Conference in Katowice, Poland. In 2019, he worked for the UN Secretary General's Climate Summit. In March 2020, he was nominated vice-president of the management board of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. Since 1 December 2021 Lorkowski holds the post of the Director of Secretariat of the Energy Community in Vienna. He replaced Janez Kopač.

All Sessions by Artur Lorkowski

11:00 - 12:00


Hotel Hills, Ilidža

- Dr. Denis Bećirović, Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Nermin Nikšić, Prime Minister of the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina - H.E. Luigi Soreca, Ambassador of the EU in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Artur Lorkowski, Director of the Energy Community Secretariat - Renaud Meyer, Resident Representative of UNDP in Bosnia and Herzegovina - H.E. Julian Reilly, Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Bosnia and Herzegovina - H.E. Thomas Fitschen, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany - H.E. Kathrine Biering, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to Bosnia and Herzegovina - H.E. Helena Lagerlöf, Ambassador of Sweden to Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sevlid Hurtić, Minister, Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Igor Stojanović, Vice President of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Nasiha Pozder, Minister of the Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism - Vedran Lakić, Minister of the Federal Ministry of Energy, Mining, and Industry - Nihad Uk, Prime Minister of Sarajevo Canton - Benjamina Karić, Mayor of the City of Sarajevo - Mario Kordić, Mayor of the City of Mostar - Mirza Ustamujić, General Director of Energoinvest d.d. Sarajevo - Mirsad Jašarspahić, President of the Chamber of Commerce of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

11:00 - 12:00


Hotel Hills, Ilidža

- Dr. Denis Bećirović, Predsjedavajući Predsjedništva BiH - Nermin Nikšić, Premijer Vlade Federacije BiH - NJE.E. Luigi Soreca, Ambasador EU u BiH - Artur Lorkowski, Direktor Sekretarijata Energetske zajednice - Renaud Meyer, rezidentni predstavnik UNDP-a u Bosni i Hercegovini - NJE.E. Julian Reilly, Ambasador Velike Britanije u BiH - NJE.E. Thomas Fitschen, Ambasador Savezne Republike Njemačke - NJE.E. Kathrine Biering, Ambasador Kraljevine Norveške u BiH - NJE.E. Helena Lagerlöf, Ambasadorica Švedske u BiH - Sevlid Hurtić, Ministar u Vijeću ministara BiH - Igor Stojanović, Potpredsjednik Federacije BiH - Nasiha Pozder, Ministrica Federalnog ministarstva okoliša i turizma - Vedran Lakić, Ministar Federalnog ministarstva energije, rudarstva i industrije - Nihad Uk, Premijer Kantona Sarajevo - Benjamina Karić, Gradonačelnica Grada Sarajeva - Mario Kordić, Gradonačelnik Grada Mostara - Mirza Ustamujić, Generalni direktor Energoinvest d.d. Sarajevo - Mirsad Jašarspahić, Predsjednik Privredne/Gospodarske komore Federacije BiH