Christopher Sheldon

Christopher Sheldon

Country Manager for Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro, Europe and Central Asia

    Christopher Sheldon recently held the position of Practice Manager with the Energy and Extractives Global Practice, in the Infrastructure Practice Group of the World Bank. He had responsibility for the Extractives unit’s operations in all six regions of the Bank and the global trust funded programs. Christopher joined the Bank in 1999 and worked on diverse sector issues including legal and fiscal policy, private sector investment, environmental sustainability, community development, transparency and governance. Before joining the World Bank, Christopher had a 10-year career in the private sector working for an international mining company in Papua New Guinea and the Philippines and as a Chartered Accountant in his home of Sydney, Australia. He holds an MBA from the University of Newcastle, is an Australian Chartered Accountant and holds a Bachelor of Economics (in accountancy and legal studies) from Macquarie University.

    All Sessions by Christopher Sheldon

    15:00 - 16:30

    Panel XII: Finansiranje pravedne energetske tranzicije, trendovi i izazovi

    Hotel Hills, Ilidža

    Organizator: Evropska Investiciona banka Moderator: Branko Čevriz, Evropska Investiciona banka Uvodna prezentacija: - Branko Čevriz, Evropska Investiciona banka Panelisti/ce: - Stefano ELLERO, Delegacija EU u BiH - Christopher Sheldon, direktor, Svjetska Banka - Armin Ridžalović, IFC - Harun Gadžo, Izvršni direktor za Kapitalne investicije, Elektroprivreda BiH - Josip Polić, Evropska banka za obnovu i razvoj - Jasmina Salihagić, direktor, KfW - Naida Čustović, partner u advokatskoj kancelariji Wolf Thiess - Jan Rieländer, Viši savjetnik i šef odjela za dijagnostiku i strategiju zemlje OECD razvojni centar - Berin Lakomica, izvršni direktor/direktor Sektora za poslovanje sa korporativnim klijentima NLB Banke d.d., Sarajevo

    13:00 - 14:30

    Panel VI: Kreiranje “Pravedne tranzicije” sa fokusom na odabrane pilot projekte i lokalne zajednice

    Hotel Hills, Ilidža

    Organizator: Svjetska banka Moderator: Branka Knežević, Ministarstvo vanjske trgovine i ekonomskih odnosa BiH Uvodna prezentacija: Dr. Rachel Perks, Viši stručnjak za rudarstvo, Svjetska banka Panelisti/ce: - Vedran Lakić, Ministar Federalnog ministarstva energije, rudarstva i industrije - Christopher Sheldon, Šef Ureda Svjetske banke za BiH i Crnu Goru, Svjetska banka - Sanel Buljubašić, Generalni direktor Elektroprivrede BiH - Saša Solujić, Štokholmski institut za okoliš, SEI - Nevena Smilevska, CEE Bankwatch Network - Sanela Karić, direktorica Adriatic Metals BH - Lolwah Al Kuwari, Istraživač za životnu sredinu, Katar - Stefano Ellero, Head of Cooperation, EU Delegation to BiH - Alija Nurkić, Savjetnik Gradonačelnika Grada Živinice