IFC Continues Its Support and Active Participation at SECW 2025

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) promotes sustainable economic growth in developing countries by providing financial and advisory support to the private sector to create new jobs and improve quality of life. Through its activities, IFC aims to generate employment opportunities and enhance infrastructure in communities worldwide. Armin Ridžalović, Head of IFC’s Office for Bosnia and […]
Caritas Switzerland in BiH Expresses Satisfaction with the Organization of the Largest Climate and Energy Event in Sarajevo

Caritas Switzerland has been active in Bosnia and Herzegovina for 30 years. Together with local and international partners, they work to improve lives and future prospects in BiH. Today, Caritas Switzerland has grown into a recognized development agency. Income generation and job creation, as well as the development of economic and market systems, are both […]
Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dr. Denis Bećirović, Patron of SECW 2025

The 2nd Sarajevo Energy and Climate Week brought together experts, policymakers, and stakeholders to discuss challenges and opportunities in the field of energy and climate change. We are honored and pleased to highlight that the 2nd SECW conference was held under the high patronage of the Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dr. […]
Hamburg Declaration on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans

Na Prvom ministarskom sastanku u okviru Zelene agende za Zapadni Balkan, koji se održao u Hamburgu, predstavnici šest zemalja regiona postigli su dogovor o zajedničkoj deklaraciji usmjerenoj na klimatsku neutralnost i održivi razvoj.
Energoinvest’s New Strategic Partnership and Entry into EU Markets: Strategic Cooperation Agreement Signed with the German Wattkraft Group

Sarajevo, 26. septembar 2024. – Energoinvest d.d. – Sarajevo, kao partner Sarajevske energetske i klimatske sedmice (SECW), danas je bio domaćin četvrtog dana ovog događaja, koji se održao pod sloganom “Dan Emerika Bluma”. Uvodni dio stručnog skupa otvorio je Mirza Ustamujić, direktor Energoinvesta, koji je predstavio aktivnosti kompanije, buduće planove sa fokusom na projekte zelene […]
The second edition of SECW on September 23rd in Sarajevo.

Sarajevska sedmica energije i klime (SECW), konferencija međunarodnog karaktera, osmišljena kao pet klimatskih oblasti za pet dana konferencije, održavaće se od 23. do 27. septembra 2024. godine u Sarajevu. Teme kojima je posvećen ovogodišnji SECW su karbonska neutralnost, pravedna tranzicija i kritične mineralne sirovine, djelo Emerika Bluma, oblikovanje budućnosti električne energije, oblikovanje energetske sigurnosti i […]
Applications open: A significant regional energy event: The 2nd Sarajevo Energy & Climate Week starts on September 23, 2024.

Nakon izuzetnog uspjeha 2023. i ogromnog interesovanja za učešće na Sarajevskoj sedmici energije i klime, ovogodišnji, drugi po redu SECW će se održati od 23. do 27.09.2024., i to na nekoliko lokacija u Sarajevu: u hotelu Hills, u sjedištu Vlade Federacije BiH/Energoinvestu i Privrednoj/Gospodarskoj komori FBiH. Također, sastanci, prezentacije i svečani prijemi tokom ove sedmice […]
The 2nd Sarajevo Energy & Climate Week begins on Monday.

Druga Sarajevska sedmica energije i klime (SECW) bit će održana od 23. do 27. septembra u Hotelu Hills, zgradi Energonivesta (4. dan) i Privrednoj komori Federacije BiH (5. dan). Riječ je o novom izdanju prošlogodišnjeg, uspješnog događaja, koji je postavio čvrste temelje za širu, konkretniju i dublju raspravu o ključnim temama iz oblasti energije i […]
Ministrica Pozder: Čista i održiva energija mora biti naš društveni imperativ

Te mjere postavljaju temelje za buduće generacije i omogućuju pristup potrebnim investicijama Federalna ministrica okoliša i turizma Nasiha Pozder imala je uvodno izlaganje na Sarajevskoj sedmici energije i klime (SECW) koja okuplja ključne učesnike u oblasti energije i klime radi predstavljanja održivih politika i praksi. Istakla je da je u procesu pravedne energetske […]
Five days, 19 panels, 10 workshops, 200 experts, and over 1000 participants

The 2nd Sarajevo Energy and Climate Week (SECW) was ceremoniously opened at the Hills Hotel, and it will last until September 27th. This important energy and climate event brought together numerous experts from various sectors to discuss specific steps that need to be taken in the fields of energy and climate over five days, 19 […]